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Today spring turns into summer and there is no greater pleasure then eating outside, in nature with your fingers, barefooted, your butt in the grass or sand, long and lazy afternoons that turn into nights… Any basket will do, flip in all your yummy goodies, some nice bowls, a lovely blanket and set!


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The Tropics Love we the warmth and light of tropic lands,   The strange bright fruit, the feathery fanspread leaves,   The glowing mornings and the mellow eves,   The strange shells scattered on the golden sands,   The curious handiwork of Eastern hands, The little carts ambled by humpbacked beeves,   The narrow outrigged native boat which cleaves,   Unscathed, […]



My love for India started 25 years ago. Backpacking for almost a year through its villages, cities, beaches and mountains, young and curious, fearless and without a schedule…sensation of ultimate freedom, it made a huge impact on me. India and its people, customs, religion, celebrations, food, colors and smells is undoubtedly one of the most […]

Where worlds come together…


At our store eclectic, handmade and unique pieces, from all over the world, come together to create a sense of traveling to warm, exotic and beautiful places where we all dream of. Just take a little trip down to Blanca de Navarra and have a taste of a dream.